The One-Two

Toronto's #1 Boxing Source

Tag: Boxing

  • Tips for Going to the Gym with Anxiety

    The gym is a stressful place. And for someone with social anxiety of any kind, the gym is where all your nightmares come true. Cold sweats. Instant regret. And you know what, prior to my recent gym experience, my number one tip would have been: Never go to the gym. It is stupid and terrifying…

  • Anthony Joshua Saves the Universe

    The anomaly that has haunted the heavyweight division for the last six months has been corrected. The universe is as it should be. Anthony Joshua, in an absolute masterclass, has reclaimed his belts and all is well. Things were bad. Things were really bad. Prior to June 1, the heavyweight division was in the midst…

  • Why Anthony Joshua is Actually Everyone

    I get it. Ruiz is the underdog. The “Rocky” of the story. And honestly, I really appreciate his cherubic demeanour and overall pluckiness.  But I desperately want him to lose. I would literally sell my soul for him to lose. I’ve had enough of this fucking underdog. When Joshua lost, the whole boxing world was…

  • Everyone is a Fucking Hypocrite When it Comes to Saudi Arabia

    Before we begin. Saudi Arabia is a terrible country. They have abysmal human rights. Their female population is persecuted. LGBTQ+ rights? Fuggedaboutit. And most recent of all, the heinous crime of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. There is no justification for any of this. It is completely and utterly terrible and indefensible. That being said. …

  • Speed Bag Review: RDX, Rival and Cleto Reyes

    I bought three speed-bags because I am an idiot. The gym I go to refuses to let people use their speedbags unless it’s during their boxing club and ain’t nobody got time for that. SPEED BAG 1: RDX Speed Ball Boxing Genuine Leather MMA Muay Thai Training Punching Dodge Striking Bag Kit Hanging Swivel Workout…